Friday, December 23, 2011


My mom has an uncanny ability to predict the future. To those who know her and actually pay attention to what she says, like I have learned to do, she has predicted when I would get speeding tickets, get in car accidents, when girlfriends broke up with me, as well as when I was sucking it up in school. She had no way of knowing but she just had a "feeling." Whatever you want to call that, divine intervention, karma, fate, whatever it is, she is good at it. 

Well to get completely serious now, we were at thanksgiving. It was my dad, my mom, my sisters, mark (my sisters husband), mark's parents, tim, jane, dale, brittney, myself, and my grandpa. My mom decided to try and have the "let's all say something that we are thankful for" speech. She said that she was thankful for her dad, my grandpa and that he was still here, alive and kicking. I remember thinking to myself, oh geez. I always get really mad at her when she tells me stuff like this or says stuff like this. I think she may actually have this as her spiritual gift. I don't know if she actually has control over it. But when she said that, it almost felt eerie. Unfortunately, three weeks later, my grandpa passed away. In no way am I blaming my mom. She said what she felt and it was well received. Luckily, her last words to him were that she loved him. However, it got me thinking about my grandpa. 

While he was in the hospital, he had numerous visitors and we unfortunately had to tell them to go away. He had so many people that he knew and not only liked him and respected him. They also loved him. He went out of his way for other people. He loved to serve other people. He loved to bring home the stragglers, the lost, the out of favors, the unfortunate, and the misfits. He would bring them in and treat them as family. He had a servant's heart. He was "Jonathan" to many. He embodied what it really meant to love people unconditionally. He went to countless soccer games to watch me play and even watch me coach. He went to dance recitals, took us hiking all over North America, took us to lunch weekly when he wasn't strong enough to hike, took care of us in whatever we needed, and was always willing to listen and give wise advice when asked. He was a man of mystery as well. He was a go to guy back in WW2. He never had to use a gun but had to secretly acquire secret plans from other countries. Later on, he was in a think tank, that had all of the brightest minds at that time, to try and decide how much dust was on the moon. The question being answered was how deep is the dust and if we land, will we be able to take off. He helped develop the radar that answered the question. He helped create another radar that came back with pictures in color. He was a husband. God came first and then his wife. Whatever she wanted or needed, it happened... The story on how he actually met her is quite funny...

However, since this is a simple blog, I will stop by saying that this man is my hero. He was an incredibly passionate man. He put others before himself. He is the description of a servant leader. He loved and feared God and I know where he now is. He allowed others to feel God when they were around him and that quality alone endeared him. He died 87 years young. Thats 274,363,200 seconds. Grandpa, thank you for setting the example and helping guide the way.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of my favorite things about movies is that most of the time the places cannot be real. It takes you away to a world that is different from what we know. It takes us to the impossible. It takes us to the creative. It takes us to the imaginative. Places like Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Eragon, Captain America simply are and cannot be real. However, the stories are real. I love the feeling of almost hopelessness I get when it is the darkest before the dawn. I love when the hero triumphs. But the thing that I love the most is that most of the time, it is the most inconspicuous or most undeserving person that gets to be the HERO!

Captain America is a scrawny and weak little man. Peter Parker is the biggest nerd. Jake Sully is in a wheelchair. Eragon is a farmboy. Frodo is a hobbit, the smallest of all humanlike creatures. It is always the one that you least expect that gets to be the one to save the day. HA the funniest part is that they don't even want it! However, it is so easy to get wrapped up in that because I want to be them. I want to have a chance to be taken into challenges that will test me. I want to set the tone; set the pace. I want to be caught in an adventure that is bigger than me where there is real danger and excitement.

It gives me hope because I know that God chooses the least likely to do great things. In the bible, Gideon is a perfect example. He had to test God several different times to even believe that God was even talking to him. In the end, God used Gideon as a way to defeat the enemies of his people. David was a little shepherd kid. He was small and wasn't even strong enough to carry armor on himself. He went to face a giant of a man and killed him with just a sling and a stone.

Sometimes God does use the big strong man like Samson. However, I think most of the time he uses the opposite of what people think a hero should be. God is the master of the opposite. He gives strength to the weak. Courage to the scared. Rest to the weary. He makes something great out of those who are willing to give themselves up for it. It is a choice to be made. However, once the choice is made, there is no turning back. Do you want the blue pill to go back to where it is easy and comfortable and you can believe whatever you want to believe about God. Or do you want the red pill and see how far deep the God hole goes?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i hate when i have nothing to talk about. i feel dull and boring and unable to express myself because of my complete and utter lack of creativity of thought.

aside from that

life is going pretty well. God is good. my girls team went to nationals and got 3rd.. i have a job interview in less than a week in Kansas City. My girlfriend is amazing. my grandpa had a stroke but is getting better. my family is safe and in good health other than that. Christmas is two weeks away and i have all my shopping done. i have good friends but none that really challenge me.. however im not sure how challenging i am to them.. the weather just started to get cold.. no snow yet though which means no boarding.. trying to figure out what God has next which means waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

i am on His time.. im ok with that

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"The consequence of courage and hope is nothing short of victory. For victory sometimes shows itself in the most uncommon of forms." Is. 53


I dont understand how sometimes it can be so easy to speak and sometimes it is so very hard to actually talk or communicate. Recently, I have realized that my life has become a predictable routine of mundaneness. I basically lost my mental capacity on someone I dont want to lose it on because I didn't fully understand how I was feeling or at least how to process it or communicate it. I realized that I hadn't gotten out or changed a thing and that I had been eating myself from the inside out. How do you break out of this absolute boredom? I keep reading another blog and it talks constantly about how easy it is to fall into the rut of sameness over and over. I love what I do. I will never make millions but I love doing it. However, there are other things I feel like I have to do in order to make ends meet that I hate doing. Is it worth it to lose myself to make it work for now? I don't want to kill my soul in order to get by or just survive. I don't want to feel dead on the inside and feel like I am not well rounded or am so single focused on one thing that I forget what is most important to me. What do I really want?

3 things I will demand/pursue:
1) I will continue to demand/pursue different ways of teaching.
2) I will demand/pursue passion in what I do
3) I will always demand/pursue love and relationships above all

3 things that I refuse:
1) I will not do something that I hate
2) I will not lose myself in the mundane
3) I will not stop loving