Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Today was a non stop fun crazy day.. i know i have a little bit more game blogging to do but i thought i would just blog about today! We woke up at 7 and started getting ready to go out as it was our last real day in South Africa! The plan was to go to the Lion Park called Ukutula which is translated Quiet Place. Before we left, we realized that Dan lost his bank card in the ATM the night before! oops.. it was the middle of the night so there wasn't a whole lot we could do besides to try and cancel online.. we went to the park anyways after we kinda got it under control and got lost like 6 times.. freakin south afrikans are not good with directions.. or the fact that it was the middle of nowhere with windy twisty roads.. the cool thing about the lion park was it was like 30 bucks to play with lions for the day! we got to play w 2 month old cubs and hold and feed them! haha it was crazy.. it is amazing that for only being 2 months old how strong and wild they are! we also got to play with 6 month old cubs and they are like the size of labs and so strong and are always looking to get in trouble! in the wild, lions eat cheetahs.. however, there was a year old female cheetah that literally took the lion cubs as her own and just loved on them.. it was one of the craziest things i have seen! we then got to walk around the rest of the park and see some of the most beautiful white lions you have ever seen.. they specialize in breeding the white lions and they are so crazy looking.. so cool. in fact, 5 cubs were born the night before and momma lion was a little on edge and when dan and i got too close to the fence, she charged us with a full on roar and hiss except much scarier than you can ever imagine even with a 10,000 volt fence in front of us.. you dont understand how big and strong and majestic they are until you are 3 feet away with its teeth showing! oh man..

anyways, got to see a friend i havent seen in forever, got my dad another orange hat which he will love cuz its neon orange! came back and am now writing the blog! coming back tomorrow.. should i change the name of this blog???

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