Sunday, November 7, 2010

Keepin it close

Why are people afraid? What is it about fear that people do not like? Is it Change? The going away from the status quo... An inability to change with the times or adapt to it? Is it Control? The fear of not being able to handle your life and control every little thing in it? Could it be not having enough control or could it be not having any control that makes people afraid? Physical and emotional pain could be a reason for people being afraid. An inability to let things go. Spiders, snakes, and bats are also things that make people afraid. There are so many things in life that can make you afraid. My question is, at the end of the day... it is going to happen anyways... isn't it better in life to experience all you can experience.. the good and the bad.. the ups and downs.. the loves and the fears...

Psalms 56:11

The people around you, your community, your support group, are what help keep your way. Good company corrupts bad morals. In this life, it is too hard to do it on your own. There are not very many cowboys out there anymore. They are what help with fear. They are what help get you through the tough times. They are what you remember at the end of the day. They help keep you on track and focused. They are what help you keep on keeping on.

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