Saturday, November 6, 2010


If I could go back in history to any point... I think I would go back to either Rome or Greece. There are certain aspects of their cultures that are awesome and yet terrible. The Spartans, the Macedonians, the Romans were all ahead of their times as far as militarily as well as politically. They Spartans fought as a unit. Shock and awe and brutality were their ways. The Macedonians and specifically Alexander the great were really the first group to use tactics. Alexander would retreat then turn on them as they pursued. or retreat on one side and have them overpursue and cut them off by flanking from the other side. The Romans used both of them. However, it was their name that caused their enemies to tremble. The battle/war was already over because they had an invincibility aura about them. The enemy knew that they were not able to win before the battle was even fought. Fear is something that can either work for you or against you. The ability to understand it and use it for your advantage is something I think can be very effective.

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