Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of my favorite things about movies is that most of the time the places cannot be real. It takes you away to a world that is different from what we know. It takes us to the impossible. It takes us to the creative. It takes us to the imaginative. Places like Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Eragon, Captain America simply are and cannot be real. However, the stories are real. I love the feeling of almost hopelessness I get when it is the darkest before the dawn. I love when the hero triumphs. But the thing that I love the most is that most of the time, it is the most inconspicuous or most undeserving person that gets to be the HERO!

Captain America is a scrawny and weak little man. Peter Parker is the biggest nerd. Jake Sully is in a wheelchair. Eragon is a farmboy. Frodo is a hobbit, the smallest of all humanlike creatures. It is always the one that you least expect that gets to be the one to save the day. HA the funniest part is that they don't even want it! However, it is so easy to get wrapped up in that because I want to be them. I want to have a chance to be taken into challenges that will test me. I want to set the tone; set the pace. I want to be caught in an adventure that is bigger than me where there is real danger and excitement.

It gives me hope because I know that God chooses the least likely to do great things. In the bible, Gideon is a perfect example. He had to test God several different times to even believe that God was even talking to him. In the end, God used Gideon as a way to defeat the enemies of his people. David was a little shepherd kid. He was small and wasn't even strong enough to carry armor on himself. He went to face a giant of a man and killed him with just a sling and a stone.

Sometimes God does use the big strong man like Samson. However, I think most of the time he uses the opposite of what people think a hero should be. God is the master of the opposite. He gives strength to the weak. Courage to the scared. Rest to the weary. He makes something great out of those who are willing to give themselves up for it. It is a choice to be made. However, once the choice is made, there is no turning back. Do you want the blue pill to go back to where it is easy and comfortable and you can believe whatever you want to believe about God. Or do you want the red pill and see how far deep the God hole goes?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i hate when i have nothing to talk about. i feel dull and boring and unable to express myself because of my complete and utter lack of creativity of thought.

aside from that

life is going pretty well. God is good. my girls team went to nationals and got 3rd.. i have a job interview in less than a week in Kansas City. My girlfriend is amazing. my grandpa had a stroke but is getting better. my family is safe and in good health other than that. Christmas is two weeks away and i have all my shopping done. i have good friends but none that really challenge me.. however im not sure how challenging i am to them.. the weather just started to get cold.. no snow yet though which means no boarding.. trying to figure out what God has next which means waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

i am on His time.. im ok with that